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School of Soulful Abundance
Welcome to the School of Soulful Abundance! 👋🏽 (6:42)
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Module 1: Energy
Intro to Energy
Week 1: Everything is Energy (20:11)
Week 2: Understanding Your Aura (11:02)
Week 3: Soul Purpose (16:05)
Week 4: Energy Clearing
Group Call Recordings
Module 2: Pleasure
Intro to Pleasure
Week 5: Understanding Desire (10:29)
Week 6: Pain, Pleasure & Possibility (10:43)
Week 7: Worthiness & Receptivity (11:57)
Week 8: Pleasure & Prosperity
Group Call Recordings
Module 3: Community
Intro to Community
Week 9: Empathy & Service (8:20)
Week 10: Communication is Key (4:59)
Week 11: Relationship Building (9:36)
Week 12: Collaboration & Partnerships
Group Call Recordings
Module 4: Action
Intro to Action
Week 13: Define Your Goals (5:56)
Week 14: Craft Your 90 Day Plan (8:49)
Week 15: Develop Your Financial Goals
Week 16: Closing Ceremony
Group Call Recordings
Week 2: Understanding Your Aura
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